Grilled Triple Nut Butter & Jelly Panini
8 slices good quality bread (If you live in VT, I recommend Elmore Mountain, Slow Fire or O’ Bread)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup Maple & Cinnamon or Maple & Ginger Triple Nut Butter
1/2 cup grape jelly (any flavor really or apple butter or maple butter)
2 ripe bananas, sliced
Butter the bread slices on 1 side with butter and place them butter side down. Spread 4 slices with Triple Nut Butter and top with the banana slices. Spread the remaining slices with jelly and put them, jelly side down, on top of the bananas. Press them gently to flatten them slightly.
Place each sandwich on a preheated panini press and grill until the bread is toasted, about 5 minutes. Alternately, preheat a dry cast iron or non stick pan. Place the sandwich in the pan and weight it down with another pan or a clean brick wrapped in foil. Grill 5 minutes, turn the sandwich over, re-weight it, and grill for another 5 minutes. Serve immediately.
If you are brave, crazy or both, you can do this with Maple & Chipotle Triple Nut Butter and lunchmeat of your choice.